Friday, August 22, 2008

I hate you, CBS.

So apparently, THIS:

Has been replaced by THIS:

I discovered this news early this morning when I got to work and had an email from Jon, who knows the depths of my love for Grissom. I don't even know what to say, other than there is a good chance CSI will have one less viewer this season. First Warrick, now Grissom? It's safe to say the hotness of the Las Vegas Crime Lab just went down by about eleventy million degrees.

I have NEVER liked Laurence Fishburne. Something about him freaks me out and he's not pretty like Grissom. In fact, he's kind of ass.

I don't even think Catherine Willows my TV girlfriend is enough to make me return. Seriously guys, I am so sad about this. I'm also pretty sure I should, I don't know, get a life or something. Don't judge me.

Oh my gosh!!!! I can't believe they did this to you. Those two men are not even in the same hemisphere!!! No judging here. I am way excited for real TV to start.
I knew this news wouldn't go over well with you. I'm so sorry. Should we have some kind of wake or funeral?
You're nuts! No wonder I love you! But for the record, I agree about the lack of hotness thing!
Get a life Tracy!!
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